Wedding Photography Tips: Know What You Need Beside A DSLR!

Wedding Photography

Wedding photography is all about capturing moments and transforming it into memories a couple can cherish forever. However, it is easier said than done. It can be quite challenging even for seasoned professionals. Why? Because it requires all kinds of orientation and composition that you can possibly think of. As a wedding photographer, you might be required to capture underwater shots, portraits, landscapes, and even action shots, all at a single event.

True, professional wedding photography can be difficult to cover for budding photographers who have just started out. But, it’s not impossible. To help you capture the best images at the wedding, here are some wedding photography tips that will enlighten you on what to expect and what you need when diving into the world of professional wedding photography. Whether you are, a beginner in wedding photography or have been shooting weddings all along, these tips will surely help you to step up your photography game.

Donʼt Experiment

Lately, many videos teaching photography to beginners are trending on youtube, where after following some techniques and lessons, you are ready to shoot. Why not, right? Well, you might be far from reality if you think you can master the art without any hands-on experience. Being a novice in the field, you should be extra careful as you are testing your skills with one of the most important days in someoneʼs life. What’s best, in this case, is to contact professional photographers who you admire and ask if you could assist them. Assisting a photography veteran will not only help you avoid some common mistakes but also learn some proven techniques that you can apply to future photo shoots.

Backups Backups… BACKUPS!

photo editing tools

Wedding photography is a big thing for a couple and the family. So, you ought to check that all the gears are in working condition and you have everything in place with a BACKUP. You have to have backups of everything that you may require in the process, including lenses, camera bodies, cards, batteries, etc. Anything can happen on the day. Be prepared for the worst because we are sure you don’t want to spoil their wedding memories.

Besides, if you need a gear that you can’t afford, rent it. If you are new in the field, we will recommend renting the gears as this will let you try out the latest equipment without burning a hole in your pocket.

Pen Down Everything

Pen Down Everything

Amateurs often feel that photography is just about being creative. Having everything planned in their head, including the wedding photography ideas and trending wedding shots, they feel they are ready to cover the wedding. Covering big events like a wedding can be quite stressful not only for amateurs but for professional photographers as well. Such grand events may cause you to go blank or forget all that you have planned for the couple. And, this is what you can’t afford to do. If you miss a shot, it’s gone forever. Thereʼs no rescheduling or re-shooting, you will not get the shot again. Thus, it is suggested to list everything down that you have planned to rather be safe than sorry.

Location Scouting

Location Scouting

Often on a wedding day, things may not stick to the schedule. Sometimes, the bride gets late which may cause the planning to go completely haywire and you have to take instant decisions on the spot. Perhaps, the group photos may take up more than the required time. This may leave you with no time to look for the best spot to capture the couple, making you settle for a mediocre location. So, don’t let such issues lead you to settle for something that is less than perfect. Arrive early to search around the wedding venue and scout for the best locations. Don’t forget to visualize where you would shoot the dress, the rings, the couple, the group photos, etc.

Know Your Tools

When covering an event like a wedding, you will be exposed to difficult lighting situations on which you will have little or no control over. Take this for instance – you are covering a white wedding and shooting the couple inside a dimly lit chapel. As the ceremony ends, they walk out to a bright sunny day in the garden. Both scenes have drastically different lighting which requires different settings in the camera to capture a perfect shot. And, you as a professional wedding photographer need to capture everything. You need to change the setting as per the scene while walking backward, without diverting attention from your camera, capturing the couple so you donʼt miss anything.

In such scenes, you need to be proficient with your camera. Without really even thinking about it, you must know exactly which setting is required in a scene. You should be able to change and adjust the setting in seconds while you move into the next scene.

However, even after practicing the above points, if you get some images that are not up to the mark then don’t fret. Only knowing your camera is not going to help, you must know how to use the basic photo editing tools to create the perfect wedding pictures for your clients. Here are some primary ones that you should know:

Clone Tool

Clone Tool

Wedding pictures are supposed to be flawless. But, as a digital camera do not hide the redness, pimples, wrinkles, and other such flaws, you can opt for the Clone tool to easily get rid of flaws. You can sparingly use the tool in Adobe Photoshop to structure flawless wedding images.

Dodge And Burn

Dodge And Burn

These are the two primary tools used in wedding photo editing. By combining these two tools you can create the perfect image. Use the dodge tool to brighten certain areas of an image. On the contrary, if you want to dim out certain overexposed areas, use the Burn tool.

Color Vibrancy

Color Vibrancy

Almost all the professional wedding photographers, even after owning expensive equipment, need color vibrancy tool. Because it is often difficult for a camera to capture all the shades of the color that a human eye can. Sometimes, you may have images with varied color tones, yellow/blue tint, high/low brightness, etc. For such images, you can use the color vibrancy tool to make the image more appealing and lively.

Hope you will find these tips and tools helpful. They will definitely augment the quality of your work and help deliver outstanding results. But, before you begin implementing these, you must know that proficiency in any field requires constant devotion and consistent practice. And, if you don’t have enough time to master these techniques and tools, then it’s always best to take assistance from experts dealing in wedding photo editing services.

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